Treat the Whole Patient: Bring in
the Psychiatrist
Marnin E. Fischbach, M.D.
and other behavioral specialties need to be made far more available to the
primary care patient. This would bring the appropriate expertise to help treat
the inseparable medical and behavioral problems, and would lower the
stigmatization of behavioral treatment through its medicalization.
the following: It is estimated that up to half of the population have symptoms
consistent with one of the recognized psychiatric diagnoses described in DSM-5.
Of those patients in whom psychiatric illness has been diagnosed, fewer than
half have their symptoms treated by a physician. Of the half who receive
psychiatric treatment, approximately 70% are treated by primary care physicians (PCPs) and only 30%
ever see a behavioral therapist or a psychiatrist (1, 2). Consider also
that PCPs often see patients whose behavioral problems “masquerade” as physical
symptoms, which can cause—or significantly aggravate—chronic medical conditions
that are currently the bane of our failing health care system: diabetes,
hypertension, cardiovascular problems, obesity, smoking, and asthma. Failing to
recognize behavioral symptoms not only perpetuates these problems, but it also
leads to far worse outcomes for purely “medical” symptoms.
however, are generalists. They are not expected to go into great depth in
regard to their patients’ behavioral symptoms, nor do they have the time (7
minutes per patient?). Having seen many patients who have experienced either
partial or full treatment failures with their PCPs, I can relate the following
highly common scenarios that routinely present to me.
PCP treats depression, but the dose of the antidepressant prescribed is far too
is as if many PCPs feel comfortable only with prescribing what for most
patients are subtherapeutic doses of antidepressant medications. As a result,
the symptoms often do not improve at all, but if they improve somewhat, the
patient is maintained on an inadequate dose and symptoms persist over long
stretches of time. This is not, by any means, a “partial success.” Persistent
depressive symptoms lead to full relapses of depression and greatly increase
the risk for suicidal behaviors. In addition, the longer depressive symptoms
are allowed to fester, the deeper the “rut” they create in the brain. The
longer the depression persists, the more likely it is that the patient will
have another depressive episode sooner than the last, and the more difficult
this episode will be to treat.
PCP has accurately diagnosed depression but has failed to detect that the
depressive episode is but one feature of a broader bipolar disorder with both
manic and depressive episodes.
or she has prescribed an antidepressant for the patient, again for a
considerable length of time, but the patient never improves. Indeed, a
significant number of such patients suffer a worsening of their manic or
hypomanic symptoms, such as irritability, aggressive behaviors, hyperactivity,
and excessive spending. Not only do bipolar depressed patients often fail to
respond to antidepressants alone, but the antidepressant actually worsens the
hypomanic symptoms and can generate a full-blown manic episode.
PCP is not at fault for improper diagnosis in this situation. Often, hypomanic
(less than fully manic) symptoms are subtle and quite difficult to detect; many
psychiatrists miss them as well. Also, patients will more likely volunteer
their depressive symptoms than their hypomanic symptoms, which they often
prefer because of either the elation or the hyperactivity they experience as
part of the episode. They do not define these experiences as “symptoms,” and
therefore they do not report them. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to elicit
these symptoms in the brief amount of time a PCP is able to spend with his
result? As with depression, failure to diagnose bipolar disorder in a timely
manner and to treat it early is not a neutral act. This too leads to deeper,
more-treatment-refractory manic and/or depressive episodes and potential
psychiatric hospitalization. Alas, statistics indicate that the average time
between the onset of bipolar symptoms and the diagnosis is 8 years (3, 4). This is far too long for optimal treatment
PCP has either underprescribed or overprescribed benzodiazepines for the
patient’s anxiety.
benzodiazepines is common because many PCPs fear they will induce an addiction
in their patients, while over-prescribing or yielding to a patient’s
inappropriate demands for more abusable drugs and higher doses often leads to
that very result.
the diagnosis, PCPs and other physicians seldom detect dangerous behaviors,
such as suicidal ideation or homicidal intent.
severe behavioral problems is not the strong suit of primary care, and
nonpsychiatric physicians generally feel uncomfortable dealing with these
extreme symptoms. Moreover, were the PCP to detect such behaviors, he likely
would not know what resources to turn to nor would he have the time to follow
through appropriately. As a result, the physician often chooses not to ferret
out these behaviors lest they render him helpless to intervene. This leaves the
patient, the physician, and the community in a serious and potentially
dangerous situation, because the patient with extreme symptoms should be
immediately transferred to a far more intensively monitored level of behavioral
of this is meant to disparage PCPs. To the contrary: theirs is a demanding role
that is under-recognized, underfunded, and significantly overtaxed for time. I
have great respect for their work and their burdens. Still, many patients are
not receiving optimal care when they fail to see a behavioral or psychiatric
specialist. Unfortunately, there currently exists a dearth of psychiatrists to
handle the vast demand for behavioral care. More important, the appropriate
systems to effectively integrate behavioral health and primary care are only in
their infancy at this time, and little or no attention is being paid to the
cost-effective funding of such programs.
who wish to make a referral all too often cannot find a psychiatrist to
evaluate the patient soon enough. A wait of many months before a psychiatric
appointment is available is not uncommon, and many psychiatric practices no
longer accept new patients. To this may be added the many other barriers to
appropriate behavioral care, such as transportation problems, inadequate
insurance, and patient nonadherence to treatment and the stigma that is still
attached to treatment.
solution may lie in the creation of new systems of medical-behavioral
integration alluded to earlier. These systems are placing the psychiatrist,
nurse, social worker, and/or case manager in the same clinic with their primary
care peers. Patients are routinely screened for behavioral symptoms using
standard paper and pencil screening tools. Mildly symptomatic patients are
treated by the PCP, and those with more severe symptoms are treated by the
behavioral health team, through some combination of psychiatrist,
psychotherapist, nurse, nurse practitioner, social worker, and care manager.
Patients are followed up telephonically to foster adherence to both their
behavioral and their medical treatments. The psychiatrist is always available,
in “real time,” to consult with and to support the PCP on difficult cases and
also serves as a formal educator to help his team and medical peers identify,
correctly diagnose, and appropriately treat behavioral health problems.
this way, psychiatric resources will be best leveraged for maximal impact on
patients with highly common co-occurring medical and psychiatric problems. For
this system to make the psychiatrist accessible to many more patients, it will
require new funding mechanisms to cover the costs of services such as
consultation between doctors and follow-up outreach to patients. However, these
costs will be well offset by improved patient care in both the primary and
behavioral care settings, as well as by reduced medical costs for
emergency room visits, medical hospitalizations, and unnecessary laboratory
time has come to treat the whole patient. The time has come to make
psychiatry part and parcel of primary care.
1. Sturm
R, Klap R. Use of psychiatrists, psychologists, and master's-level therapists
in managed behavioral health care carve-out plans. Psychiatr Serv.
1999;50:504-508. Accessed September 23, 2013.
Russell L. Mental health care services in primary care: tackling the issues in
the context of health care reform. Center for American Progress. October 4,
2010. Accessed September 23, 2013.
Cunningham PJ. Beyond parity: primary care physicians perspectives
on access to mental health care.
Health Aff (Millwood). 2009;28:w490-w501.
4. Judge David L. Bazelon
Center for Mental Health Law. Primary care providers’ role in mental health. Accessed September 23,
2013. - See more at:
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